“there’s nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.”
– steven chboskyi’m pretty sure this post will always rank as the most ridiculous of the year, and one of my favorites all at the same time! :) safe to say, we have a GOOD time doing what we do on a wedding day, whether it’s an emotional, crazy, sweet, or hilarious kind of moment, we always leave a wedding day with fun stories and thankful hearts. i’m so lucky that i get to bring such talented, awesome assistants with me on wedding days, and for all the different ways that they enhance the entire wedding day experience! i’m pretty sure most of these photos were the result of me just jumping in katie or sarah’s way (sorry!!) but i’m thankful they put up with me and my shenanigans :) here’s a little glimpse into some of my (ahem) finer moments on a wedding day ;)
boutonnieres, bustles, and veils are alllllllll part of the job!
and here’s the lovely and talented laura of laura dee events working her magic and creating a gorgeous ceremony backdrop! :)
she didn’t know her job would end up being part 2nd photographer, part “puppy flower girl” attendant ;)
this little visitor decided this was the perfect spot to camp out on sarah for a while during portraits!
this is why leggings with dresses is always a good idea ;)
the direction i just gave to abby and eric right before this photo was snapped… “okay eric, your job for the next few minutes? do NOT let them all knock your wife over!!” clearly abby is thrilled with this idea ;) xo!
always a great day when peter von kahle is there to shoot video!
if you’ve gotta stand there so i can test my lighting, might as well strike a pose! ;)
yep, it’s working!!
when they start playing whitney houston and i go right to my happy place… ;)
when all you have time to eat for dinner is a cookie and a roll… bring on the carbs!
i’ve got a whole series of ‘katie karate chops cake’, but i’ll leave you with just a few of my favorites instead ;)
“don’t worry guys, I got it!!”
and who could forget this moment?! as we were grabbing our photo with matt and alison all of a sudden i hear a voice running up to me at top speed saying “I WANT A PHOTO WITH THE PHOTOGRAPHER!!” and i was, ahem, lovingly ambushed by this group of gentlemen ;)
this is always the most TERRIFYING moment of the night ;)
this is the reason why i LOVE what i get to do every day! spending time getting to know all of these incredible couples?! and getting to share in their most special day?! it’s the best of the best :)
and i know i shared these in my last post, but they are so worth sharing again and my most FAVORITE images from the whole year!! so thankful for each of you!!
happy monday! :)