From the moment I sat down with Andrew and Rachel and they started talking about their relationship, their wedding, and their faith, I was hooked. I could tell right away that this was a wedding that I wanted to be a part of. I remember sitting across from Rachel and relating to her instantly and seeing her heart for the Lord and for the man she was going to marry. She and Andrew are a perfect fit; they balance each other just right and compliment each others strengths and weaknesses. You can look at the two of them and know that their marriage is going to impact lives and change hearts. I know every photographer says it, but I truly believe that I get to work with the best couples in the world. I remember tearing up during their reception and just thinking how crazy blessed I am to be able to share in these kind of moments week after week. To see two become one. It’s an amazing thing.
Andrew and Rachel, thank you so much for the example you set for those around you and for seeking to honor God in your relationship first and foremost! I’m honored to be your photographer! Love you both!
I know it might be a little hard to read, but I LOVED the addition they included in their vows!!!! Going beyond “for rich or for poorer, as long as we both shall live… I will love him as his indispensable helper, supporting and encouraging him. I will respect and honor him as the Church does Christ.” Andrews vows included “…I will love her as Christ loves the church and give myself up for her, sanctifying and cleansing her that I may present her holy and blameless before Christ.” Loooove me some Ephesians 5 :0) When I asked Rachel for her shoes to take a few pictures she told me they were a little “unconventional” and then pulled out these! How fun is her something blue?! :0)
love this one of Rachel and her mama :0)
Rachel’s mom walked her down the aisle and I LOVE this moment during the prayer right before she gave her away :0)
Andrew and Rachel greeted each of their guests as they exited the church.. but I bet they didn’t expect to see their friends currently serving in China!! :0) Isn’t technology grand? ;0)
Once again Andrew and Rachel were so thoughtful in incorporating all of their favorite classic books throughout the wedding! :0)
By the time we finished with all their family formals we only had about 10 minutes for pictures of the two of them.. good thing I shoot quick! :0)
It was veeeeeery hot outside, so we escaped the heat for a few minutes and took some of their portraits in the church.. Definitely my favorite from the day :0)
ALSO, I was thrilled once again to have Michelle Cross join me for their wedding! She has quickly become one of my absolute favorite people to shoot with! Head over to her blog and check out some of the gorgeous shots she got! Enjoy your slideshow :0)
I adore your favorite of that day!! Its lovely! I love the joy and peace that just shines on their faces!