The day could not have been more perfect. The leaves were golden on a perfect fall day, Brittany was glowing, and Kenny looked at her the way every girl dreams her husband will look at her on their wedding day. They stood up in front of family and friends and made sacred promises to each other in the same spot that Brittany’s parents were married, and I can assure you there wasn’t a dry eye in the church as Brittany’s brother proudly escorted her down the aisle. All the months of planning, and talking to Brittany (while i’m sure we were both supposed to be working) about cake toppers and reception details and shots we wanted to get… it all led up to a gorgeous day for a beautiful couple, and I’m so thankful that she and Kenny allowed Michelle and I to be the ones to document it all! Brit and Kenny, thankyouTHANKYOUthankyou for being so wonderful and welcoming! It was such an honor to be a part of your wedding day, and I could not be more excited to share this wedding with you..
Brittany had so many special little details with her on her wedding day; on the right is her rosary, and I love that in the shot of the rings on the left you can see part of the inscription on Kenny’s ring!
she also had this picture of her Dad attached to her bouquet as her something blue:
Brittany’s ring bearer Colby was the. cutest. thing!
and how do you get the ring bearer to cooperate and give kisses on command? M&M’s of course! ;0)
ceremony time!
definitely one of my favorites :0)
remember this little spot from their engagement session? I seriously could photograph every session at a place like this and not run out of ideas! The shuttle that was bringing her guests from the church to the reception site was running a little late, which gave us a lot of extra time for portraits! you definitely did not hear me complaining :0) I could have done portraits of these two all day!
I think all weddings should have a swing like this :0)
and amazing early evening light like this:
and a couple as good looking as this:
absolutely love it:
Make sure you check back for part 2 and LOTS of fun reception pictures tomorrow! :0)
[…] :0) I’m so thankful for my pretty brides! Emily and Nate were married back in April 2009 and Brittany and Kenny were married last October, and it was so fun to see them both again this past weekend! ah! i love […]
[…] up is a new sample album from Brittany and Kenny’s wedding! This is a 50 page 10×10 album with the designer cedar leather choice and modern black […]
ha! rolling run, never mind my question then!! so beautiful
this is absolutely beautiful, loved so much about the reception details and photos. I am thinking of having my wedding in Richmond, can I ask where the venue is? It looks amazing!!!! gorgeous pictures :)
As a fellow CNU Alum myself, I had never met Brittany and Kenny, but I MUST say, these are some of the absolute best wedding/reception pics I have ever seen, and definitely one of the most GORGEOUS brides I’ve ever seen. Congrats to them, and kudos for you :) :)
britt–i remember jessie talking about how excited she was to shoot your wedding this past summer! ive been waiting patiently for this post :) literally have been checking it quite frequently. you were/are beautiful! jessie, my favorite shots are the forehead kiss shots :)
lovelovelove. loveloveloveLOVE. All of them. :)
these are great! i love the ones with her veil flowing in the wind!
I LOVE the ones with her veil floating… So cool!! and I also LOVE the ones where you can see the rays of sun :)When they are on the swing!
Oh. My. Goodness.
Jessie, you have outdone yourself! The floating veil, the amazing picture of Brit and Colby… Can’t wait to see more!!!!!