Happy Monday, my wonderful blog readers! I cannot think of anything better to share with you on this Monday morning than this beautiful, smiley, baby girl! Ever since I first talked to Lauren about what she wanted Olivia’s one year session to consist of I have been counting down the days until we got to make it happen! My last session with this sweet family is still one of my all time favorites, and I knew this one would be just as great! There is something so precious to me about documenting this season for all of these families I’ve come to know and love; and knowing that Olivia will hopefully treasure these pictures of her with her parents when she’s older and seeing how much they delight in her! It has been such an honor to photograph sweet Livi over the past year, and I hope you enjoy lots of my favorites from her first birthday session! :0)
I love how babies at this age are so fascinated by the camera.. i always tend to get a couple shots of them pointing right at me :0)
I know these next two are similar, but I couldn’t pick a favorite!
LOVE this one and Livi’s sweet smile :0)
look at her sweet little cheeks!
i never know what to expect when setting a baby down on the grass for the first time.. some kids love the feel of it, and others not so much. Olivia seemed to love the independence of sitting like a big girl on her own.. aaand being able to grab as many leaves as she could find ;0)
but after a few minutes, she saw a better place to sit and headed straight for her dads lap!
HA! look at her scrunchy little nose! so cute! :0)
absolutely LOVE that one on the left!
Halfway through the session we stopped for a little snack, and I’m pretty sure that look on Livi’s face is her telling me “hey lady, no pictures while I’m trying to eat my banana!” don’t mess with this little biker baby ;0)
little did she know, the best snack was waiting for her at home! funfetti cupcakes to celebrate her birthday!!
I was so impressed she kept her cute little chef’s hat on for the entire time.. I suppose a spatula covered in frosting is a pretty good distraction ;0)
love her little flour covered toes!
then it was time to hose her off!
how much you wanna bet one of these ends up on her dedication page in her senior yearbook?? ;0)
love this next one with her puppy, Bear!
one of her duckies fell overboard.. good thing Mama was there to save the day! ;0)
Happy birthday sweet Livi!! :0)
[…] over these images since I took them! It has been a year and a half since I’ve had the Verhine family in front of my camera and some updated pictures were long overdue, especially since their newest […]
Love Love LOVE the photos baking!! You did a great job Jessie!!
Olivia is so precious…I love all of the pictures, I can see how hard it is to pick a favorite. Happy Birthday Olivia, Nanny loves you, Mommy and Daddy very much! I’ll take one of each!
beautiful family in so many ways! cant not get over how precious livi is!! lauren and lee–yall dont look too bad yourselves either :) LOVED the baking shoot with her! just like mama :) jessie, you’ve done it again by capturing my heart with another family shoot!! how do you always get happy kids?! :)