Everyone needs that one in friend in their lives that knows the ins and outs, the good and the bad, that has been there since the beginning. That not only knows about, but witnessed first hand, some of your most embarrassing moments and will forever laugh with you every time they come up in conversation. That has celebrated the best moments, and cried with you through the rough ones. Nicole is one of those people that will stick with you until the very end, and is one of the most loyal people I’ve ever met, and I have been blessed to call a close friend since the beginning of high school! Its crazy to think back on high school and think of all the people who you swore up and down you’d stay close to forever and ever amen, and where those relationships (or lack there of) are currently. With Nicole there was never any question, it was just a necessity for me that she and I stay in close contact, and thankfully we both ended up at the same college! At this point Nicole and I have been good friends for almost 10 years (holy MOLY that is crazy to think about!) and I could not be more thankful to walk with her through this season of life!
I still remember the first time Nicole told me about Dan many (many!) years ago, and I could not be more excited for these two to finally get hitched next month! It has been so sweet to hear how their relationship has grown and changed over the last few years, and I’m so thankful for how well Dan loves my friend. It’s always so fun for me to see my friends find that one person who balances them and compliments their personality so perfectly! Nicole has been one of my biggest supporters in this crazy/beautiful wedding industry, and she has started her own fabulous planning blog that you absolutely have to check out! She’s always posting new creative DIY projects, featuring gorgeous weddings, and does tons of great give-aways!
Nicole and Dan, thank you so much for letting me be a part of your lives! I can’t wait to celebrate with you both next month!! :0) and Nicole, don’t hate me for posting these first few pics, okay? okay :0)
Like I said, Nicole and I have been friends for a looong time! high school, prom, graduation parties.. oooooh my! ;0)
We scheduled their session bright and early one morning, and ended up with a perfectly overcast, (slightly) cooler day for their session! You can’t ask for anything better this time of year! :0)
I always tell my couples to fill the session with things that they love, that represent THEM… so including their favorite jerseys was a no brainer ;0)
Meet Finn and Zulu! The session definitely would not have been complete without them!
one of my faaaaavorites!
love the line the fence makes in this next one!
one of my favorite little spots in downtown Clifton :0)
my absolute favorite :0) i LOVE seeing my friends so happy!
thanks to Dan for snapping this one at the end.. now we have a pretty picture more current than our senior prom! ;0)
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
So uh one of my favorites is the one of you and me. Not going to lie! LOVE YOU!