If I haven’t mentioned this lately, seeing the same families year after year is one of the absolutely BEST parts of this job for me! I get so excited to see how much the kids have grown and since I typically only seem them once or twice a year, it never ceases to amaze me how much they have changed! This is my third year photographing the Williams family and they just get cuter and smarter every year! Rebecca is such a super-mom; with what seems like a never-ending supply of energy and the ability to run (yes RUN, those boys are fast!) around a playground in heels, I always leave their sessions so impressed :0) Chase, Grayson, and Gavin are three of the smartest and happiest little boys I’ve met, and it is such an honor to be invited back in to their lives year after year! This year we took a little trip over to Frying Pan Farm Park to check out the animals and take advantage of the gorgeous fall afternoon. Make sure before you scroll down you go back and check out their pictures from year one, as well as last years session so you can see just how much they’ve grown up! Til next year! :0) Grayson is the KING of funny faces! I thought he was going to be making a silly face in just about every picture!
I would be such a sucker if this was my kid.. I swear if he looked up at me with those blonde curls and bright blue eyes I’m pretty sure I would be putty in his hands!
Chase and his dad have such a special relationship, you can tell right away that they are best buds :0) Even with an entire farm to explore, I think Chase would have been content just to sit on a bench and hang out with his dad:
a few tickles is always a good way to bring out the smiles :0)
such a ham! ;0)
seriously with the blue eyes! they are stunning!
ha! this seemed like a fitting image to end with :0) somehow I feel like with three boys, this sorta thing happens a LOT! :0)
Happy Thursday!
Right you are –the wrestling is endless at our house and I guarantee there will be more at next year’s shoot! Thank you so much for more beautiful photographs. I enjoy the ones from the last few years EVERY day and I know that I will cherish these new ones as well. You are the best:)