I think everyone knew what Josh was going to say when he walked into the waiting room, “its a BOY!” All throughout Crystal’s pregnancy I never heard anyone think the baby was going to be a girl, everyone knew that Lucy was going to have a brother, and sure enough, Joshua Heaston Whitlow Jr. arrived on April 19th! It was so sweet to see how excited Lucy was about him when I went over for his newborn session last Friday. As soon as I walked in the door she made sure to point out “Baby Josh!” and introduce me to her baby brother. She was more than willing to hold him and give him kisses, and I can already tell they are going to be best buds before you know it! Hope you all had a great weekend! Happy viewing, friends! :)
ps if you missed Crystal’s ’embrace the belly’ session make sure you go back and check that out HERE! :) look at that sweet face! i think he looks JUST like Lucy :)
hands down my favorite! they have a picture of Lucy as a newborn in Josh’s guitar case, so this next image seemed very fitting :)
Since they didn’t know if it was going to be a boy or a girl the nursery is still a work in progress, but I love that we were able to incorporate pieces that will be in his bedroom into the pictures!
daddy’s hat is just a LITTLE too big ;)
so crazy how Joshua and the football are essentially the same size :) for now anyway! :) love that last shot on the right!
Happy Monday!