They say that the chances of finding the person you’re supposed to spend your life with is one in a million, well with Cara and Ahmed I’m going to go ahead and at LEAST double that. Ahmed is from Egypt, so him and Cara meeting had to be nothing less than a divine conspiracy. That they happened to be in the same place at the same time isn’t coincidence, this past Saturday was years in the making. They have a relationship that not only was maintained long distance, but a love that is willing to cross oceans to make it work. Its about sacrifice and compromise to make it work. This past Saturday aboard the National Elite Cruise Yacht they promised forever and celebrated their commitment to each other with some of the people closest to them, and I was honored they would ask me to document it all. Ahmed and Cara, I wish you nothing but the best and years of happiness! Congratulations to you both!
Cara got ready at the gorgeous Gaylord National Resort that sits right on the National Harbor- one of the most gorgeous hotels I’ve ever been in!
Ahmed designed Cara’s wedding band himself and it was a complete surprise to her! She saw the ring for the first time during their ceremony when he put it on her finger! :)
I think everyone that saw Cara on Saturday said the exact same thing, “Oh my gosh! You look like a princess!!” :)
love the lobby of this hotel!
these next two photos of Cara are some of my favorites of the day:
see those big bursts of purple to Ahmed’s right? There was a huge fireworks show you could see from the boat! Unfortunately it poured (and i do mean POURED!) during the bulk of their reception, so we had to watch from inside, but still! it made a fun backdrop for their first dance :)
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
I love the pic of her dancing with her dad and Ahmed in the background looking on :) So beautiful!