Be prepared to have your heart stolen by these two and their precious curls and sweet smiles! As soon as Natalie jumped out of the car when they got there she said “May you please hold my hand? Lets go take some pictures!!” … needless to say, I knew at that point that we’d get along JUST fine :) Liz showed up prepared with a handful of fun ideas for their photos, and we made it happen as quick as possible since it was a little chilly outside that morning, but the kids did great and cooperated so well! Enjoy lots (and lots!) of favorites! :)
Meet Thad! I couldn’t get enough of his sweet blonde curls! love this shot of Natalie:
Natalie and Thad have such a sweet friendship, they were more than happy to love on each other and snuggle up together :)
Natalie is pretty darn excited to turn FOUR this month! :)
seriously with the curls. can’t get enough!
the birthday girl :)
and there will be another big birthday to celebrate in February when baby brother comes! Liz is due February 20th, which just so happens to be my birthday! I know babies
rarely never come on the actually due date, but I’m just sayin that Feb 20th would be a GREAT day for him to make his big appearance :) love her long eye lashes in that shot on the left!
a little snuggle time with his mama:
Happy Wednesday! :)
Super shoot — family, Christmas, birthday and maternity in one :) Love seeing this family..
And, BTW, I arrived on my actual due date, so you can’t get away with saying “never” ;)