Its crippling. Literally. It can be debilitating, hold you back, and lead to regret. It seems like “fear” is the word that keeps popping up in my world and with the people around me over the past couple of weeks…
Fear of failure. Fear of risk. Fear of putting yourself out there. Fear of conversations. Fear of rejection. Fear of unknown. Fear of words. Fear of moving forward. Fear of speaking. Fear of being vulnerable. Fear of handing over control. Fear of nothing and everything at the same time…
and gosh its just… overwhelming. and SO NOT how we were designed to live our lives. Every now and then the Lord will give me a specific verse for the day, and earlier this week in a moment where I was gripped with fear of all of the above, He so sweetly reminded me… “I have not given you a spirit of fear. This fear is NOT of Me.”
Deep breath.
Fear is NOT of the Lord. Its just not. but oh, isn’t it the easier choice? it’s so SO much easier for me to dwell in fear and in the “what if’s” than to actively CHOOSE joy and peace. its so easy to let thoughts run wild and before you know it you’re buried by doubt. by uncertainty. by fear.
2nd Timothy 1:7 says “For God has not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” other translations say of ‘self-control’ instead of self-discipline. We have the freedom to TRADE fear for power, love, and self-control. I don’t think its a coincidence that scripture gives us three words in exchange for the one. thats how powerful fear can be, that it requires all three of those to fight it, but thats the point, dear friends. that it CAN be conquered. that it doesn’t have to overwhelm you, because you HAVE been given a spirit of power, love, and self-control.
‘Power’ to take risks and make yourself vulnerable.
‘Love’ to speak kind and encouraging truth-filled words to yourself and to others.
and the ‘Self-Control’ to remind yourself on a daily basis that fear doesn’t get to win, and the discipline to act on that fact.
Whatever ‘fear’ you’re facing… launching a new business… waiting on doctor’s test results… anticipating a hard conversation… uncertainty or changes in relationships, new or old… finances… or just the monster under your bed that never seems to go away, it is NOT God’s will for you to remain in that. Hear me again… Fear is not of the Lord. but He graciously takes our fears, and trades us instead for those three sweet gifts… power, love, and self-control. It might require a daily reminder and keeping this verse on repeat in the front of my mind, but slowly but surely it’s sinking in. and I would much rather spend my days standing confident in those three things than hiding in my own fear.
I love you. xoxoxoxo