Remember this smiley little newborn from a few months ago?? Well these days he’s a lot bigger but still just as sweet! We timed the session just right, I walked in the door as he was waking up from his nap so he was in such a wonderful, smiley mood! :) I love this age and how fascinated they are by EVERYTHING around them! Whether it was the easter eggs, the cool breeze outside, or his mama and daddy making funny faces at him, he was so engaged with everything around him. I bet next time I see Mr. Chase he will be crawling everywhere! So crazy how fast that happens! Can’t wait to see you guys again in a few months! :)
such a cute little egg hoarder :) We lucked out with a (semi) warm afternoon, so we headed outside for a few photos! love his little belly hanging out!! :) Caitlin was saying how she has hardly any photos of her with Chase, so I’m hoping these next few will help make up for that :)
Happy Wednesday!
oh my gosh, what a happy baby! :)