Get ready for a fun one today! Another in home “life style” session! I’m SO excited to share this session with you! Everyone, meet Brody and Rowan, two of the sweetest boys around! I got to spend a couple hours with them in their home seeing all of their favorite things, and documenting all of the little moments that make up their day to day life. I always ask parents what are the things that their kids do at this particular age that they never want to forget, and then try my best to work those into their session. It makes it so much easier to do that when we are in the kids own space, where they just feel like they get to play with their favorite toys, and I’m a fun new friend they get to hang out with a couple hours! Brody wants to be just like his Daddy, and was so excited to show me his B2 plane and his flight suit, just like his Daddy wears. He came out of his room dressed just like his dad and was ready to “go to work at the pentagon!” He had his work papers, his work pen, and his flight suit and was ready to go after one more kiss from his mama :) and oh my gracious Rowan is just the sweetest little guy with a smile that will melt your heart! :) Tiffany and Matt, thanks for inviting me into your home and letting me photograph your beautiful life! Enjoy lots of favorites, and I hope to see you all again soon!
Brody was READY with his B2 cape! love his sweet little laugh :)
Rowan is such a good sport and already loves playing with his big brother… he will probably like it better when he is able to tackle/hug him back in return… but still ;)
Rowan is a boy on the move these days! :)
oh my soul, look at his little belly hanging out!! one of my favorites :)
poor baby was getting a few new teeth in so he was extra sleepy that morning, but he still dished out plenty of cute smiles for us :)
a little brotherly love :)
little runaway baby :)
one of my faaavorites :)
he wanted to get as clooooose to my camera as he could :)
love this next series of photos of Tiffany and her baby boy :)
while I was taking those photos of Tiffany and Rowan, Matt and Brody were doing a little wardrobe change to get ready to go to work :) SO cute!
a mama needs kisses from her boys before they go to work! ;)
high five, little man!
oh melt my heart! love these shots of Brody with his flight suit, aviators, and B2 plane :)
at this point Rowan was ready for a little nap, cutting teeth is hard work for a little guy! I do love these shots of Tiffany rocking him to sleep though. She explained to me how when she became a mama she made a rule that she would never wish her kids were older than they actually are… she would never wish them to walk before they were ready, or go to school before they were old enough.. things like that. because she realized so quickly how fast these baby years fly by, and she wanted to make sure that she enjoyed them while they are here! and one of those sweet moments to enjoy right now is rocking her baby :)
and she still steals snuggles from this one every chance she can :)
butterfly kisses :) love you can see his squinty little eye in this shot as he gives her butterfly kisses:
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!