Meet Liuben! This handsome little man just celebrated his first birthday, and what better way to celebrate than with his first official portrait session?! Martina explained right when we started that Liuben was very sweet, but sometimes could be a little shy… well this “shy” boy was smiling for me right from the start! I love photographing this age, it was so cute to see Liuben get SO excited about trying to take a few steps! As soon as he had a hand to hold it was like he wanted to take off running, and I love how proud he looked when he would stand up by himself :) I’m sure he will be running circles around everyone in no time! I just couldn’t get enough of his sweet smile and chubby cheeks, and wait until you see the cake smash at the end of the session! he LOVED it! :) Hope to see you all again soon for portrait session #2, but for now enjoy lots of favorites!
These were some of the very first photos we took, such a happy baby! love this one :)
look at that face! he looks so proud! :) this learning to walk stuff is tough stuff! ;)
look at those sweet cheeks! so cute :)
baby kisses are the best! :)
we had such pretty morning light for their session!
and then it was cake time! most of the time babies don’t like to dig in since they’re never had cake before, but he was more than willing to face plant right into the cake as soon as it was put in front of him! it was so funny, the whole time he refused to use his hands, but just tried to eat it right off of the cake stand! :)
those silly balloons kept getting in the way of him and his cake ;)
even if we would break off a piece for him to hold, he still insisted on eating the cake like this ;) i think maybe its because his hands were sticky that he felt like they wouldn’t be much use to him? who knows! either way it was pretty darn cute :)
Happy Wednesday!
[…] lookout for the presence of wonder.” – e.b. whitethe last time i saw this little man, was for his first birthday portraits. safe to say, liuben is COMPLETELY smitten with his baby sister! he wanted to be right where she […]
Where were these photos taken? They are great.