By now you’ve probably grown to love this family as much as I have :) The last time the Bickham family was on my blog was just a few short weeks ago when I borrowed Shelby and Harper to show off my Christmas Mini Sessions, and earlier this year when I photographed Harper’s newborn photos. These two little girls make my world a happier place! Shelby’s imagination blows me away every time i’m around her, and the things that come out of this kids mouth just crack me up every time! and oooh my goodness does she love her baby sister! She’s always wanting to give Harper “cheek smooches”, sing her songs, and tell her stories, and Harper is a great audience… for now, anyway :) Harper has the sweetest, most content spirit and is mesmerized by her big sister. Whether she is being covered in Shelby smooches, being decorated by stickers, or listening to her big sister’s stories for the hundredth time, she’s is perfectly content to take it all in. Harper is starting to dish out lots of sweet smiles and it melts my heart every time! We headed over to Burnside Farms for their fall portrait session, and this I’m pretty sure I say this every time, but I think this is my favorite session we’ve done yet! Those kids just keep getting cuter and cuter! :) Happy viewing, friends! i LOVE this shot and how Shelby is looking at Anna!
… I would guess that Anna and Harper have heard this story from Shelby before ;)
this is how you know Shelby has spent a lot of time in front of my camera… she totally directed this shot! I forget what I asked her to do, but instead she said “okay, i’m going to stand right here, and everybody hold hands, and now look at Miss Jessie!” what can i say, she’s a good little assistant ;)
so many smooches for Harper :)
oooh that smile! gets me every time!
melt. my. heart! love this little girl!
Shelby did SO great throughout the session, and was more than willing to love on her baby sister :) She sang to her, tickled her, and gave her plenty of kisses!
and Harper thought she was pretty darn hilarious :)
One of my favorites from the session :) “I need to get her belly!” clearly Harper didn’t mind :)
love these sweet sisters!
Shelby looks so old to me in that shot on the left! I was going back and looking at their fall session from last year, and it is so amazing to me how much she has grown up just in one year!
how cute is that little pumpkin on the scale? :) and that would be a 600+ pound pumpkin Shelby is sitting on! She walked up to it and said “I need to move it over there!…. **tries to (unsuccessfully) shove it for about 5 seconds** … well maybe I can RIDE on it!” :)
Happy Wednesday! :)
[…] portrait session tomorrow :) You can also go back and see their last family portrait session HERE! :) Happy […]
What great pics of one awesomely darling family by one fantastic photographer
and her handy assistant, which is so lovingly appreciated by this very blessed Grandma. So much to be thankful for!
What great photos!!! How beautifully you captured this amazing family with their warm smiles & kind, loving hearts. Simply precious!