“Take courage when the road is long
Don’t ever forget you’re never alone
I want you to live forever
Underneath the sky so blue”
– Drew Holcomb
The last time I saw Robert he was just about a week old for his newborn portrait session back in 2012, and now he’s about to be a big brother! :)
We were able to do these portraits at the house that has been in Raymond’s family for generations, and I absolutely love that we were able to work in a location with so much meaning to them! It reminded me SO much of my grandparents house in Tennessee, and I could have sat and talked with Raymond’s sweet mother all day long! I may or may not be already planning a trip back to visit with her again ;)
a boy can only hide behind his mama’s legs for so long until his daddy catches up to him anyway ;)
motherhood looks SO incredibly beautiful on you, Julia :)
one of my favorites :)
don’t you love their front porch?!
oooh man, this was the moment Robert had been waiting for! When his dad would finally let him go see the “cor-pet!” I think he would have sat riiiight here all day long if we’d let him :) oh and I love the CNU sticker that is still hanging on to it’s spot on the car ;)
… it’s all about the belly ;)
these two have the sweetest relationship!
belly bumps!
these little booties for the baby didn’t last very long before Robert tried to put them on his own feet ;)
so throughout this pregnancy Julia and Raymond have lovingly been referring to this baby as “Bananas”, so it only seemed fitting that we end the session at their favorite local ice cream stop for a big sunday in honor of baby Bananas!
Thanks again for letting me come spend the evening with you all! Can’t wait to meet “Bananas” so soon!! :) Happy Monday!