“then the grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! what if christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. what if christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”
― dr. seuss, how the grinch stole christmas!
i was snuggling Reagan at the very end of their session and decided i needed just ooone more photo of her in her bonnet (the one pictured above) and before i knew it julie started snapping photos of ME with her instead! not quite what i had in mind, but i’m so thankful for it! partially because she’s a DOLL and i couldn’t get enough of her, and partially so the world can see what a mess i am on mini session day with my wonderful helpers dumping buckets of “snow” on my head all day long to get the kids to smile… apparently “look! it’s snowing on miss jessie’s head!!” is the winner every time ;)
and of course, my faaavorite photos from the weekend ;) when i asked these lovely ladies if we could take a photo together during the break they immediately started calling out, “i call the teepee!!” “i call the sleigh ride booth!!” i guess they had been a little jealous of all the kids enjoying the sets and wanted their own turn! ;)
i went to pull the bench up in front of the mantle for us to sit on and julie says, ‘ooooh no girl, i’m reading you a story! grab the rocking chair you’re sitting riiiight here!’
thank you all so so SO much for being willing to help me over these two days! i love and appreciate each of you more than i can say!
can you believe that over the past 11 years of being part of her family, that this is the first photo julie and i have together?! it’s about time :)
and that’s a wrap for 2015 holiday mini sessions!! until next year! :)