“… she had in her an indescribable passion for nurturing living things- me included. she saved my life. not because i was going to die, but because the life she helped me to live is more than I would have ever had without her.”
– tim coulsonEmerson wins the award for being the happiest baby ever outside in 30 degree weather first thing in the morning ;) ahh the things we do for the best light! isn’t her little scrunchy nose smile the BEST?!
aaaand sometimes family portraits with two little ones ends up looking a lot like this ;)
love that shot on the left! she’s just getting brave enough to want to take a few steps on her own!
she’s a pro at clapping those little baby hands!
one of my favorites :)
these two are good buds these days, in case you couldn’t tell, that face is parker serenading us and singing “in summeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!”
this girl was allllll about some cake!
happy 1st birthday sweet Emmie girl!
You can go back and see her six month portrait session HERE and her newborn portrait session HERE!