“when the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.”
― j.m. barrie, peter pan
safe to say, that everyone is completely smitten with their new baby natalie! lauren was happiest if she was holding her new baby sister, and connor already has a list of things he can’t wait to teach her, including how to walk, blow bubbles, but he started with teaching her how to play peek-a-boo! ;)
this truly seemed to be lauren’s happy place, snuggled in close right in the middle between connor and natalie :)
the last time i saw this little lady was for her 18 month portrait session and it’s so fun to see her as a big sister now!
… i think they’ll keep her ;)
snuggles all around!
courtney’s uncle built her this adorable little doll crib when she was little, which has since been passed on to lauren for all of her toys. it also happened to be just the right size for natalie :)
can’t wait to see you guys again in four short months! :) happy monday!