“your mother, well, she’s strong and steady
southern drawl and good lord, she’s pretty
she’s better than anything i dreamed
and honestly, i’m scared to death
i’ll breathe at last at your first breath
everything you need, i’ll try to be.”
– dave barnes
i’d like to formally introduce you all to my newest and tiniest BFF, lennon! she belongs to some of my best friends, brian and sarah, and she’s got me wrapped around her tiny finger already. sarah called me two days before a wedding we were shooting together last october and said, “well, either one of my students gave me the flu oooor there’s a baby in there!” and i may or may not have squealed with delight two days later when she confirmed that it was NOT, in fact, the flu ;) there’s something so incredibly special about being able to walk through this season of life right from the beginning with a friend. from taking their announcement photos… getting the calls after each doctor appointment with the latest update… to hear that (i had been correct from the beginning!) it was a girl… to see and feel the kicks and flips… to watch sarah throughout this pregnancy display SO much grace, patience, joy, and incredible strength… to see brian’s sacrificial love and care for wife in a new way… and now to watch them both fall head over heels in love with their daughter… it all means more than i can say. thank you both for letting me be a part of this season for your family and for sharing your sweet lennon with me. i couldn’t be happier for the three of you! and i mean seriously, have you ever seen a more beautiful baby girl?! :)
she’s perfect. completely perfect.
look at that sweet little smile! dreamy newborn smiles are the best!
oh man, these two. i don’t know that i’ve ever seen someone take to being a dad as quickly and effortlessly as brian has. he is SO natural with her, and i’m fairly certain that he would prefer her to be in his arms than anywhere else. he was totally made to be a dad, especially to a daughter. she’s so very lucky to have him as her dad!
i remember after they found out it was a girl, i sent sarah a text explaining how thrilled i was for them, and how i was just so happy that she had the opportunity to be a mama to a daughter. don’t get me wrong they would have done so well with a son too, but somehow i knew that just like brian would make the best girl-dad ever, that it would be so incredibly special for sarah to mother a daughter. to model for lennon what a woman after God’s heart looks like. to teach her how to love well, serve joyfully, and always trust in her Heavenly Father. lennon has THE best example to follow after as she grows.
this series of photos of sarah with her girl are some of my favorite i’ve ever taken during a newborn session:
is there anything better than baby snuggles?! :)
thanks again for sharing her with me! happy wednesday! :)
[…] mooremy tiniest little BFF is not so tiny these days! you will remember this sweet little lady from her newborn portraits, and these days she’s growing faster than i can keep up with! i just adore this smiley, […]