“nonsense. young boys should never be sent to bed. they always awake a day older, and then before you know it… they’re grown.”
– j.m. barrie, Peter Panremember this handsome little boy from his 1st birthday photos?! somehow benton is already turning TWO and he is full of all things spunk and sweetness, sass and silliness, smarts and snuggles, and he’s (still) got me wrapped around his little finger! he was such a ham and showed off all his best tricks during their session, complete with animal sounds, dance moves, and a very elaborate story about his new friend pete the dragon who just so happens to live in the barn at one loudoun ;) happy 2nd birthday, little friend! i completely adore you!
how he closes his eyes and counts to 10 to play hide and seek is just about the cutest thing i’ve seen ;)
this kid… he slays me.
his little fake laugh and scrunchy nose smile just kill me :)
happy wednesday! :)