One of my favorite classes my senior year of high school was my intro to photography class. I had already been taking pictures for families and friends in the area, and thought it would be a fun class to take my senior year. The class consisted of about 20 freshman, 5 sophomores, and two seniors; Erica and I. We became photography buddies very quickly used our time in the darkroom processing film to chat about everything except photography it seems :0) I’ll never forget Erica coming in one day and sitting down next to me with the look on her face like she was bursting to tell me something, but didn’t know quite how to begin. I casually asked her what was going on and she replies “… weeeeeeell… there’s this guy…. “ She proceeded to tell me about the lifeguard she met at the pool, and how he was really nice, they seemed to get along well, and he definitely seemed to be interested, BUT he was leaving in 10 days for a two year long missions trip. So she didn’t think too much of it, until the letters started coming. Erik would write her the most beautiful, heartfelt letters from his mission and she would bring them into class, and the reaction from both of us quickly shifted from “is this guy for REAL?!” to “YES he sent another one!!!” I think its very safe to say that she and I spent more time reading and taking about his letters in that class than photography. Needless to say, the letters made a lasting impression on Erica… :0)
After Erik’s two year mission and four years of college, I get another letter from Erica, “… weeeeeeell… I’m getting married….”
I was so excited when Erica asked me to photograph their wedding! And I was so anxious to finally meet Erik after all these years. When they pulled up outside of my house not so bright but very early on Saturday morning, despite the cold rain Erik got out of the drivers seat to walk around and meet me and open the car door for me. Yep, he’s a keeper! :0) Erik and Erica, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this exciting time in your lives! Can’t wait for the wedding in May! :0)
This very well might be my favorite shot from the day and it was one of the very first ones we took! oh the many faces of Erik and Erica :0)
Then again, this next one could be the favorite..