It was a couple years ago when I was the guest at the wedding of my friends Richlyn and Chris and first fell in love with Lynden Farm. Its where Richlyn grew up and from the moment I pulled up and saw all the horses I was immediately jealous and imagined how much fun she and her sisters had fun growing up at a place like this with so much room to run. Needless to say I was THRILLED when Molly first emailed me almost a year ago and asked me to photograph her wedding, and even moreso when I found out she and Jake were getting married at Lynden Farm! Richlyn did a beautiful job coordinating the wedding and has been so great to work with throughout the whole planning process. If you’re getting married up in the northern virginia area make sure you check out her website, her organization made the entire day go so much smoother!
Anyway, I’ve been told recently that I talk too much on here (what can I say, I really love my clients!) So onto the pictures!! Molly and Jake opted for a first look (woooo!!!) so I have a TON of pictures I love :0) Molly and Jake, I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL time in Greece!!
This is definitely one of my favorites from their day! You can see how excited Molly’s bridesmaids were for her as she got into her wedding dress :0)
oh my goodness if these don’t sell you on how amazing a first look is I don’t know what will! Doing a ‘first look’ is never something I will push a couple into, but it is something that I highly suggest! Molly, Jake, and I had a solid 45 minutes for pictures of the two of them (which are always the best from the day and the ones I call the most ‘wall worthy’!) There was no checking the clock, no keeping guests waiting, no pressure at all! We had PLENTY of time for lots of great pictures, and after the ceremony they were able to go strait to the reception! While we were taking pictures Jake kept saying how relaxing it was, which is exactly how its supposed to be! Usually we’re busy checking the clock every two minutes during portraits so the couple isnt late to the reception.. this was so much better! I know Molly and Jake are so glad they opted for a first look :0)
Jake waited for Molly on the front porch, it was a much more intimate moment for them than if the first time he’d seen her was in front of all their guests. I love their expressions! :0)
This moment right here is what makes a ‘first look’ so perfect :0)
Can you say CANVAS?!?!? I can see it now :0)
Definitely a favorite! LOVE this moment:
love these next two of Molly!
*** to all future brides, Molly and Jake have SO many ‘wall worthy’ pictures of the two of them because they allowed at least 45 minutes for pictures, juuuust a little hint ;0) ***
Molly and Jake had the three kids that Molly nannied for the last 2 years as their flower girls and ring bearer and I couldn’t get enough of them! I think because I know Lauren and Sam will one day be my flower girl and ring bearer and how much they mean to me, I know how much Coleman, Julia, and Katherine mean to Molly! Aren’t they so cute?!?
Love this during the ceremony:
He was cracking me up during the ceremony! I know the ceremony must get really long for the little guys, but he stood there the whole time next to Jake.. good thing he had that pillow to entertain him ;0)
First dance!
Molly, Richlyn, Jess, Kristen, and Kate were seniors when I came to CNU as a freshman and made that first year so awesome for us girls; they were great about inviting us over to their house, telling us which teachers to stay away from, and encouraging us in ministry. It was so good to see these 5 ladies again at the wedding :0)
They had disposable cameras on every table and the kids had so much fun taking pictures all night! As soon as I walked up Cole runs up to me and shouts “HA! Now I’m going to take a picture of YOU!!” I guess thats fair, I’d been taking pictures of him all day long ;0) I told him I was gonna start taking him with me to weddings as my assistant! Molly, sorry if you develop those cameras and have a ton of pictures of me.. the kids were getting me back for all the pics I’d taken of them :0)
I was determined to grab at least one picture of Molly and Richlyn together! Richlyn was running around taking care of anything and everything all day long, but I did manage to grab one right before I left!
Enjoy your slideshow!!
How could one contact Lynden Farm to do a photo shoot there? I’ve been trying to figure it out online and can’t seem to find a way..
Beautiful photos by the way :)
[…] Molly and Jake already earned a bunch of cool points for opting for a first look at their wedding last month, and now they have DOUBLE cool points for setting up a day after session to get even more amazing pictures in their wedding attire! Well, I know Molly at least was excited for another opportunity to put her dress back on for a while :0) We had such a perfect Sunday afternoon for their session at Newport News Park (minus a couple huge mosquitos that decided to attack) and we got to take pictures in a totally different setting than we did on their wedding day, one of the many advantages of doing a day after session! […]
[…] and Ashley’s ball gown. Old barns and hay barrels. I contacted Richlyn who put together Molly and Jake’s wedding back in August because I knew she would know the perfect place and catch the vision of what we were […]
You made the farm look SOOOO good! (Molly and Jake too-but that was an easy task). It was so nice knowing that they would end up with great pictures because of your expertise. You’re welcome back anytime!
aw the one with the little ring bearer wearing his bow tie is MY FAVORITE!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! composition is incredible! :)
What an amazing job!! Molly and Jake’s pictures are beautiful!!!