From the moment she could talk she’s been Disney Princess obsessed. Cinderella was always the favorite, but she could tell you the story of just about any of the disney characters, and knew the princesses by heart. In her world, every girl is a princess and has a prince charming (its a happy place ;0) ) I’ve always thought in the back of my mind how fun it would be to take her to Disney World and see her reaction to the magic of it all, but it wasn’t until this last spring that I actually thought, “wait, COULD I actually take her to Disney World?!” I mentioned it to my mom who just started laughing at me. “You know, most normal people your age would want to go to the beach somewhere with their friends, not you, you want to take a 5 year old to disney world!” was her exact response, closely followed by “well if you take her I wanna come too!! You know how I love those spinning tea cups!!” After getting the (once again, rather shocked) approval from her mom, I booked the trip and started planning!
As much as I love all the disney magic, it takes on a COMPLETELY new meaning when you see it through the eyes of a kid. When we got on the plane all she knew of disney world was what she had been told; she had never seen any pictures or videos, all she knew was thats where all the princesses and other disney characters lived. Nothing could have prepared her for walking up to Main street, seeing the castle, and seeing a parade of her favorite disney characters coming straight at her. As we stood on the sidewalk watching the parade she screamed and lit up with each new character, I found myself tearing up watching her reaction; it was exactly what I’d hoped it would be. We could have turned around and gone home right after that and I would have been happy, but of course there was 7 more days of disney rides, shows, meals, and magic left to explore :0)
I was so excited that Ingrid and her three girls Amanda, Sarah, and Katie were able to come hang with us for a few days! Ingrid and my mom have been friends since they were 12, and they were the ones that took me to disney world for my first trip almost 20 years ago. I know I said this a few posts back, but if my children one day are HALF as wonderful as Ingrid’s are I will be so grateful. They are so much fun to be around and were so thankful for everything from their glass of juice at breakfast when they first woke up to the gallons of ice cream my mom bought right before bed. I so wish they could have stayed all week! It made my heart happy to see Lauren and Katie hold hands and giggle for a solid 48 hours straight; she’s still talking about Katie!
All in all it was such a wonderful week that I’m so thankful I got to spend with all my favorite girls :0) Enjoy a little bit of our disney magic! At Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party they did a Villain’s Mix and Mingle, and I was shocked when she said right away she wanted to meet Malificent! Scaaaaary!
ooh she makes my heart happy :0)
Part of being on vacation? Eating ice cream for lunch!
best buddies! Katie came with Lauren and I to breakfast at Cinderella’s Castle one morning and they were both so thrilled!
oh my goodness Katie’s expression in this one is so sweet! she is so cute all cuddled up to Cinderella :0)
ahh the joy (and stomach ache) of the spinning tea cups
more best buddies ;0)
oh yeah, and you see that huge circle by the castle?! thats the moon! crazy!! How did Disney manage THAT?!
oh yeah, Katie’s class pet Froggy had a pretty good weekend too ;0)
there were just a few wild animals around there.. most were fairly tame though
did I mentioned that she joined Captain Jack Sparrow and crew?
thankfully Captain Jack let her go long enough to have dinner with Cinderella, Prince Charming, and her step mother and step sisters!
she and her daughters were absolutely HILARIOUS!
talk about dreams coming true…
last morning we went to chef mickey’s for breakfast, she was very excited to be dressed as Minnie ready to meet The Mouse :0)
[…] all time favorite pictures of me and Ingrid from about 20+ years ago: and my favorite one from our disney girls weekend back in October 2009: Lauren and Katie got along so fabulously, and apparently they each still ask […]
[…] by love stories, and thought every one should end up with their own happily ever after. I think Lauren and I really are kindred spirits; she’s convinced every girl is a princess and has her very […]
These are so precious! She will NEVER forget this Jessie! :) So awesome:)