My freshman year of college will always hold a very special place in my heart. I think I learned more that year about the kind of person that I wanted to be in that one year than in the previous 18 years of my life. For the first time in my life I saw people my own age that stood up and proudly claimed that Jesus was the absolute best thing that had or will ever happen in their lives. Justin was one of those people. Even though he transfered out after our freshman year, his passion for his faith definitely made a lasting impression. So needless to say when I showed up for my client meeting with Emily and her fiance, I was shocked and THRILLED when he was standing next to her! I knew right away I was going to have so much fun photographing them; they explained right away that they wanted something different. “If there’s something different you’ve been wanting to try but havent had a client that was up for it.. thats us! We’ll do it!”
SOLD! :0)
Justin and Emily had scoped out some AWESOME locations in downtown Richmond which made their session so unique. So many couples opt for something like the botanical gardens or something that appears really naturally “pretty”, but I think that unexpected locations that might appear old or dirty are even better! I LOVE the texture in so many of these images! I’ll just stop talking now and just let you see for yourself :0) okay i absolutely LOVE the texture in these next ones!
Definitely a favorite :0)
Oh and did I mention that Justin and Emily found their first home while we were taking pictures? Well, the front of it anyway ;0)
I probably could have stayed at this next spot for the entire session. I love the color. Love the texture of the wood. Love the rust on the old cars. Love the green. Love the people. I just love it all!
Gotta have at least one nice clean portrait for the grandparents ;0)
and just wait for their save the date cards, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet… ;0)
I truly love the settings. What a great idea. The couple is perfect!
You two should model for J Crew. I loved the pictures they are so you!
They are amazing! They turned out awesome!!! You guys look great!
I LOVE the ones on the railroad tracks! I can’t believe you got to see Sledd, what a SMALL world! Great job Jess!
Jessie!!! They are soo good!!! I couldn’t be more pleased with them!!! You’re the best! (sorry about all the !!! I just can’t help it!!)
I LOVE THEM EMILY! You both look so beautiful!!