By now you wonderful blog readers have gotten to know this amazing couple very well. From their engagement pictures, wedding (part 1 and part 2), Ashley’s gorgeous bridal session, and now their day after session, I think its safe to say that the three of us are all very sad that the ‘wedding photo sessions’ are at an end. I have blog readers who have never met Ash and Scooter tell me how much they love them, and how they can tell they are such a fun couple just by seeing how they interact in these pictures (OH and by watching THIS VIDEO! if you haven’t seen it, stop reading right now and click that link ;0) ) Ashley and Scooter are a perfect example of a couple being SO much more than just clients, but becoming friends and investing in each other lives. I know every other photographer out there will be disappointed cause you all wish you had a couple like this, but they told me during their session that I get to be their official photographer for life ;0) I can’t wait for anniversary sessions, maternity sessions, and watching Ash and Scooter become parents one day and photographing their family. Thank you, thank you for allowing me to play such an involved part in this time in your lives and document all the excitement. Thanks for being excited about me and for putting so much time, effort, and thought into each of your sessions! I can’t wait to come see your new house once its finished being built!
Once again, I have WAY too many favorites.. SO here’s the first half in part 1!! I loved all of them, every single one, and I don’t think I could pick a favorite if I tried! They drove around Old Town Alexandria and scoped out SO many great spots for their day after session! I could have stayed in these little alleys the entire time! Yep, I’m pretty smitten with the two of them… :0) ooooh my goodness i love everything about these next ones… WOO! Get excited for Part 2 tomorrow!! :0)
[…] try to be.” -Dave Barnes Back in 2009 when we were photographing Ashley and Scooter’s day after portraits they casually mentioned that they had decided I got to be their “photographer for […]
I love these photos! Do you remember where in old town that alley is located? Thanks so much!
one of your best sessions ever!!! love it!!!