
that word can mean so many different things to different people. in my life when i think ‘team’ i think of younglife, and the people that i was blessed to serve along side in that ministry the past 4+ years. Teammates become your family, though the good and the bad they’re the people that you know will continue to push you, (ahem.. frustrate you..), encourage you, challenge you, and fight with you because at the end of the day you’re in the battle together. on the same side. praying for the same kids. When Josh, Justin, and I very first started young life at Warwick High School and we didn’t really know many kids, one of our goal was just to be present; to be seen. I remember sitting with Josh and Justin in the car before we walked into the school and that being our prayer, that God would go before us. We walked through the halls going completely against the crowd, and I could feel the spirit moving before us and I remember realizing what a powerful mission we had been given in this place, and how incredibly humbled I felt to have been called to be a small part of it.

It is SO crazy to me to think how much has changed since then, and even moreso how much God has done in that school since that day. Friendships have been made, hearts have been opened, and lives have been changed.. and we as leaders got to watch Him do it all. One of the biggest joys I’ve had being in Newport News still after I graduated is continuing to pray for Warwick HS kids, parents, faculty, coaches.. and the current leaders. oooh man how i have prayed for those leaders. they have gone through some big challenges the last couple of years, but they are so faithful. SO faithful. they each bring such specific gifts to the team, and its never ceases to amaze me what God will do with those gifts when they’re given so freely. at the end of the year Anne Taylor asked me if I would take a couple pictures of the team since they were getting ready to transition out two leaders and welcome in two new ones and of course i was more than willing :0) we had literally about 10 minutes to accomplish this one night before club, but here are just a few that I grabbed!

I’m pretty sure this is the first ever Team Warwick picture in July of 2006, just a few months after we started YL at Warwick: Justin, myself, and Josh
n31800280_30281166_7514and now meet Anne Taylor, Ryan, Karly, Blaine, Steph, and Tim :0) Steph and Ryan just graduated from CNU this past May, so we wanted to grab a few pictures before they headed out the door. Some days you have happy, smiling faces like this.. img_0473aaand other days your team dynamics look a little more like this… ;0) img_0523img_0546img_0613these two are going to bring SO much to team warwick :0) img_0717saved by the bell anyone?? :0) img_0778bimg_0500b1
Love you guys more than you can imagine, and know that I’m always prayin for you! :0)

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  1. Jackson says:

    You guys are the best, love you always.

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