Its hard to believe we’re already half way through Kayley’s first year! She is getting so big and still as sweet as can be with her chubby cheeks and drooley smile :0) my faaavorite! The McGrath family has quickly become one of my favorite families to photograph; Amanda always puts so much time into making sure each session is perfect and as a photographer I SO appreciate it when my clients care enough about their session to think out their outfits and locations and put forth that extra effort to make it perfect! If you haven’t already, make sure you go back and check out their maternity, newborn, and three month pictures before you keep scrolling down! :0) Once Bradley had a few minutes to check the place out, he picked out the perfect pumpkin for himself and for Kayley! love these next two:
kisses for his baby sister!
such a happy girl! Anthony could get her laughing noooo problem :0)
love that little grin :0)
okay, once again I have to stop and brag about Matthew! I LOVE this picture of him, isn’t he handsome?! I’m constantly so impressed with what a great older brother it is. I feel like when most guys get to be that age things like family photos with their younger siblings could be consider torture in their world, but Matthew is so cooperative and always willing to help and smile for me, even when his younger brother and sister could care less about the camera :0) Matthew, thanks for being so awesome!
so sweet! :0)
i love these next three pictures of Amanda and Anthony with Kayley.. I couldn’t pick just one!
it took QUITE a bit of convincing, but we finally got Bradley to come hang out with the rest of the family:
but you have to watch out.. those baby sisters will get ya! ;0) another favorite:
then we decided to go on the worlds bumpiest hayride EVER. I was sitting right by the opening so I could be across from them, and there were definitely a few times I thought I was going to bump right out of the bed of the truck, much less if i was getting anything good with my camera since i was pretty much just shooting blindly since I couldnt hold the camera steady! I thought for sure i was going to look t hrough the pictures and have some of just the tops of their heads or their feet.. BUT surprisingly i managed to get some fun ones! :0)
I wanted to find the biggest pumpkin there to set Kayley next to, but Bradley seemed to think that wasn’t quite right since she was so little, so he picked out this little baby pumpkin for miss Kayley:
Kayley was such a trooper for almost two hours, so by the time we changed her into this little tutu she only gave us a few quick smiles before she let us know she was spent! totally worth it though, love the outfit next to the pumpkins!
So good seeing you as always! See you in January! :0)
I can’t beleive what beautiful pictures they are. I love the background is perfect for this time of year.My grandchildren are getting so big.I can’t wait to see them on the 21st.I love all of you and love the pictures. LOve MOM and C.D.
What a gorgeous family! I love all the pictures. Your kids are simply precious. You all look like one great happy family:)
Hi Amanda:
I think these pictures of you guys are great. Everyone of you are absolutely beautiful.I am very proud thankful that we get to see thses of the kids as they grow up. Amanda looks exactly like Anthony. She has his eyes,smile and his long eye lashes. I think the boys look exactly like you.All of these are such beautiful family pictures. I don’t blame you for not just deciding onone pic,because i just couldn’t pick one either. I would have to have them all as well.
All of our love
Uncle Bobby and Aunt Debbie
So cute!!! I love the ‘little pumpkin’ outfit and all the fall colors in the photos!