
So I realized when I was pulling pictures for Sammy’s 5th birthday post that I haven’t taken any pictures of them in a VERY long time! totally unacceptable :0) I got to spend last Saturday with Lauren and Sam and it was a perfectly overcast day so I decided to bring my camera along. I only pulled it out for a few minutes, because its way more fun to play than take pictures (duh!) but I thought I’d share a few of my favorite kiddos :0)

These first two of Sam are sort of happy accidents, but they’re some of my favorite pictures I’ve taken of him! Especially that 2nd one! Love his pretty brown eyes:
she’s going to be 7 in July. SEVEN!  someone tell me how to make it stop?!? apparently its way more fun to jump AT me.. sheesh.. showing off his sweet dance moves in that first shot ;0) a leftover pinata from a birthday party makes for a GREAT hat. clearly. 
Promise it won’t be another year before I have new pictures of them up on here :0) Happy Wednesday!

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  1. […] attention right away and are the first thing you see when you enter their home. I know you all know Lauren and Sam very well by now, but for those who are brand new to the blog let me introduce you to Josh, Lauren, […]

  2. Mom says:

    If there was a way to make kids stop growing you’d still be three! Love the pics – adorable kids!

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