One of the biggest compliments I can receive as a photographer is clients that come back year after year. Even though I don’t live in hampton roads anymore, I was more than willing to head that way since once again the Green family were willing to schedule their family vacation to Virginia Beach partially so we could do their family pictures! This is my third year in a row getting to spend June 19th with their family; the first time was when I photographed Kelsey and Adam’s wedding, so it was fun to be able to see them on their anniversary! I’m sitting here flipping back and looking and the first time I photographed Riley, Ainsley, and Natalie, and then their pictures last year, and I think these ones this year are my favorites yet! It is SO fun for me to see how much these girls have grown over the past three years!
I love how close this family is, and how much the three little girls completely adore the rest of their family. Anytime I was taking a photo of ANYONE else, they always wanted to jump in and take a picture with them :0) It makes me wish my godkids lived a LOT closer to me so I could see them as often as these guys get to see each other! It is also so fun to see how much the girls love to play together. I’m sure they have their moments like any sisters do, but it seemed like Ainsley and Riley could have held hands and played on the beach the whole time! :0) They were cracking me up the whole time! Thank you ALL for spending the evening with me, and i already can’t wait to see you again next year! :0)
i am obsessed. OBSESSED with Natalie’s gorgeous curls!!!! Aren’t these the most beautiful girls?!
clearly she hates having her pictures taken. can ya tell?!? Ainsley is SUCH a little ham for the camera! :0)
love how perfectly her little curls frame her pretty face :0)
my favorite of sweet Riley:
love these next two of Heather and her baby girl:
don’t these two look good with a baby?! too soon? i’m just sayin’… ;0)
Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow! :0)
I could have looked at these forever. I was sad they were over. Of course, I am missing my friend and her sweet family. I absolutely love the one of the girls kissing Natalie. It made me chuckle. Great pictures Jessie.
Ohmy goodness those girls are adorable! Great work Jessie!
Jessie, this session is adorable. Those girls are so sweet! and can model =)!