Twenty Six… and celebrating 30!

Today is the day! I’ve been in denial that I’m turning 26 for a while now. 25 was such a good number, and 26 meant that I was officially closer to THIRTY than 20. I may or may not have even typed “25” into the machine at the gym today when it asked me how old I was… don’t judge, even if I can’t lie to the rest of the world, I can still fool the elliptical at the gym!

okay… maybe you can judge a little.

However 26 is shaping up to be a pretty good year already! This morning I woke up to so many wonderful birthday messages from family and friends, I got to have lunch with my mom, and tonight I’m excited to celebrate with some of my favorite friends :) Even though we’re technically celebrating turning 26, today I’m also celebrating the number 30 as well.

The best birthday gift came this morning when I stepped onto the scale, and saw that I had finally had kicked those last few pounds to get down to THIRTY POUNDS LOST! I had hit a plateau with the weight loss or so it seemed these past few weeks; one of the most frustrating things ever? absolutely. so I pushed myself a little harder than usual, and thank goodness this morning it paid off! I’m not sure why “30” was such a big number, there was no celebrating for hitting 10 or 20 pounds down, but 30 just seems like a much bigger number. some days I don’t notice much of a difference when I look in the mirror, until I see old pictures or remember that I’m in clothes two or three full sizes smaller than I was in 6 months ago! I’m now buying clothes in sizes that I don’t EVER remember buying before, and lord knows THAT is something to celebrate! :)

so here’s to embracing turning 26 years old today, and celebrating the number 30… as long as its not related to my age ;) 

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  1. […] 50- the number of pounds i’ve lost total! goodness gracious this has been such a challenge kicking those last 5 pounds! i still have another 10-15ish pounds I want to get rid of, but 50 was a big goal for sure, so there are 5 balloons to celebrate! […]

  2. Ant Lis says:

    OOPS! I meant to say 26 years….must have been thinking about LuLu! Can’t believe that we have 26 and 27 year old beauties in our family when the aunts, moms and grandma’s are still such stunners!

  3. Ant Lis says:

    Happy birthday, Jessie. The world has been happier for the past 27 years, because you have been in it! Congratulations on your achievements – and BEAUTIFUL picture!

  4. Sharon says:

    Happy Birthday. You look wonderful. Your age is just a number you are as young as you feel. Enjoy your day.

  5. mel avjean says:

    Gorgeous! Happy Birthday Jess! I hope this is a joyful year for you with lots of blessings and smiles. xoxo

  6. Grandma says:

    I hope your birthday is as happy as you seem to be. Looking happy and healthy. xoxoxoxo

  7. mom says:

    Happy Birthday Jessie and Congratulations on your hard work paying off!!! Hope this is the best year ever (though you at 3 was really wonderful for me) and I hope all your dreams come true!!!
    Love you!

  8. Jen says:

    And you look stunning!!

  9. Ashley Kave says:

    You look great! I just turned 27. My 26th year was fantastic- so no worries for yours! Praying a birthday blessing over you sweet lady!

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