Ooooh man, be prepared to have your heart melted by this little blue eyed smile! Last time you saw Connor he was just a few days old, and look at him now how much he’s changed in just 6 months! This age is by far one of my favorites to photograph; that period when they are sitting up well on their own, but not crawling away from me yet ;) They are just so smiley and curious at this age, I love seeing his sweet personality coming through! He was full of smiles for me from start to finish, and I’m so glad that I still have three more sessions with this little man! :) Enjoy lots of favorites on this Monday morning!
ah! look at that sweet smile! goodness gracious i couldn’t get over Connor’s bright blue eyes! isn’t he precious?!
sweet baby:
there were just a few drops of rain left on the train, and he was determined to splash in it :)
one of my favorites :)
and eeeeeverything goes in the mouth!
LOVE these next two of Connor and Monica!
hmm, anyone see a slight family resemblance?? ;)
who needs a thumb when you have toes?! ;)
oh you know, just hanging out with an old friend… love these next two!
It was pretty miserably hot outside during their session, but you’d never know it based on these pictures! one of my favorites of Connor and Nate:
gosh those eyes just kill me!
the little baby drool on his chin might be my favorite part of this next one:
Happy Monday!
Jessie, I’ve followed your blog for sometime now and just have to say, these are so precious!!! Gorgeous work! I’ve just started my own photography business and your blog is an inspiration to me. Keep up your beautiful work!
Holy Cow that is an adorable baby. Beautiful pics Jessie!
Jess–Connor is one of the most handsome babies I’ve ever seen. Your pictures did his adorableness sweet justice :). Love them!
ummmm… SO GOOD!!! LOVE these Jess!!!! You’re so good with the babies! :)