I know that every photographer feels this way, but I truly believe that I get to meet and work with some of the most amazing people in the world. People that I’m excited to spend time with, whether my camera is involved or not. I remember after Bjorn and Allie’s initial consultation that they were a couple I was dying to work with; I loved their story and I could tell right away just how WELL they loved each other. As luck would have it, they seemed to be just as excited about me and they allowed me to photograph their engagement session early last year: and I was honored to get to be a part of their gorgeous wedding last July and celebrate with them as they officially became husband&wife:
and as much as I loved seeing them in both of those seasons of life last year, I can honestly say that this past week when I got to meet their perfect little girl Hayden Grace, was the happiest I have ever seen them! There is such a huge shift when a couple become parents, and I didn’t think it was possible, but how Allie and Bjorn love each other now in this season is even deeper than before. Hayden had a few little complications when she was born and had to spend the first week in the NICU, but these days she’s is healthy, happy, and growing way too fast already! I loved getting to hear how much Bjorn and Allie are cherishing this season in their little family, whether its laughing together at all of the funny noises and faces Hayden makes, or just taking time to snuggle their girl and spend some down time on the couch together, I could tell just how THANKFUL they both are. Thankful for each other and for sweet Hayden… and I’m so thankful that they continue to let me document and share in these amazing moments in their life together :)
it’s my pleasure to introduce you all to miss Hayden Grace: she’s gonna love football just like her daddy :)
look at her little smile! catching newborn smiles are my favorite :)
perfect little features:
can’t. handle. the. cuteness!!! I just melted over this girl throughout their entire session!
Hayden was such a champ and literally slept the ENTIRE time for us! She let us move her all around, change her clothes, and snuggle her lots and she just snoozed the whole time! that very VERY rarely happens during newborn sessions, but I’ll take it when it does! :)
Hayden’s grandmother made this blanket for her, and I love that we were able to work it into her session :)
Goodness gracious I just love these three…
one of my absolute favorites :) I always love photographing newborn sessions, but this one in particular really touched my heart and made me SO very excited for this season in my own family one day :)
After we finished their photos we were sitting around talking (really meaning I was holding Hayden and didn’t want to give her up yet ;) ) and Bjorn was saying how Allie will always be his #1. That he wants Hayden to grow up knowing that her mama/his wife is his first priority, hoping that one day Hayden will look for a man who will treat her the same way. But that although Allie will always be #1, that now that Hayden is here there’s a #1A. so Bjorn, these next few photos of your #1 and #1A girls are for you :)
look at her tiny little toes! I love how teeny newborns look in their daddy’s arms :)
I kid you not, this was one of the ONLY moments that Hayden stirred during their whole session :) apparently she didn’t like her Daddy sticking his tongue out at her ;)
Bjorn, you are a natural my friend :) Hayden is a VERY lucky little girl to have you!
and look at that, she likes to hold her Daddy’s hand already :)
I didn’t know if Hayden’s little toe could hold up Bjorn’s ring! her first little baby work out :)
and we tried our luck and thankful Hayden cooperated for a few little nakey baby photos at the very end! :)
Can’t wait to see the three of you again! :) Thanks again for sharing her with me for the afternoon!
[…] to freeze you in time” -Watermark I’m not sure how her first year flew by so fast, the last time I saw Miss Hayden she was teeny tiny… and now look how she’s grown! the pigtails. the blue eyes. the […]
Jessica, we are so blessed to have met you, and have you share in these special moments. My wife and I, and our new family will expect you to always share special moments in our lives! Continue all the great things that you do, your work brings smiles to so many people’s faces! Thank you again and again and again!
I’ve never seen such amazing photography as I’ve seen here! Absolutely wonderful,amazing,stunning photo’s. Thanks for sharing!