Ready for part 2?! This is more of the ‘behind the scenes’ of what you saw in the last post. While the girls were running around camp getting covered in mud and throwing water balloons at their leaders, their little ones were being snuggled and played with by an incredible team of childcare volunteers! We lucked out and just about had a one-to-one ratio of kids and childcare volunteers, which means that each baby got undivided attention for the entire time they were in their nurseries! The babies were divided up by age, and then there was a group of volunteers assigned to that specific age. When I wasn’t running around taking photos, I got to help with the 13-15 month olds. I was so impressed with how well the kids did considering they were in a new place, new food, new sleeping arrangements, and just completely thrown off of their schedule in general. There were definitely lots of tears throughout the week, but for the most part I don’t know who enjoyed snuggling more, these kids or the volunteers who got to love them for the week! :)
Here are a few of the sweet little faces I got to meet last week and a glimpse into the world of YoungLives childcare: this little girl stole my heart from the first day. The first night I was in the nursery helping with childcare and she was my little shadow all night. She and I picked a rocking chair on the front porch, and sat out there while she slept in my arms for a couple hours. Cool breeze, front porch swing, big comfy blanket, and a sleeping baby… doesn’t get much better than that :) these two. oooh these two. they were SUCH buddies all week long. it was a mutual love, and little man would BURST into a huge smile whenever he saw him, and would get super jealous if any of the other babies tried to play with his friend :) what I loved about it though was that his mama thought it was the best thing ever that her baby boy had made such a good friend. She just kept saying “he’s NEVER bonded with anyone else like this! and especially this fast!” aaand there were naps. lots of naps :)
one more post from this week coming up first thing Monday morning! have a great weekend!