They didn’t have you where I come from
Never knew the best was yet to come
Life began when I saw your face
And I hear your laugh like a serenade
How long do you want to be loved?
Is forever enough, is forever enough?
Cause I’m never, never giving you up
– Natalie Maines
This handsome little man is Dan and Heather’s son Ethan, and I’ve been so very excited to meet him for months now! Dan has been my personal trainer every week at the gym for the past year and a half, and it has been so sweet (and often quite hilarious- hearing him try to explain what an exersaucer is almost did me in!) listening to him prepare to meet his son. We’ve been talking about newborn photos since Dan told me he and Heather were pregnant, and it was so great to finally get their family in front of my camera last week :) Ethan won me over from the moment I walked in the door, and he was a perfect angel throughout the entire session! Seriously this kid made my job so easy and slept like a champ for me :) thankfully, I get to hang out with Ethan every 4 months as we document his first year! we’re off to a pretty great start :) isn’t he the sweetest?!
Tally still isn’t too sure about Ethan, but she was willing to pose for a treat or two ;)
so tiny in that big crib! for now anyway :)
goodness gracious those newborn smiles get me every time!
love how he fits so perfectly right here:
notice how Ethan’s whole hand is the size of Dan’s thumb? :)
one of my absolute favorites:
these next three of Heather and Ethan are some of my favorites from the session:
so beautiful!
pretty sure this kid can already kick a soccer ball better than I can :)
Happy Monday!
[…] those horses are BIG!happy first birthday, little friend! :)you can go back and see Ethan’s newborn portraits, four month portraits, and eight month portraits as well! Happy Wednesday! […]
[…] nose smiles! You can go back and see Ethan’s 4 month session HERE and his newborn portraits HERE! :) Happy […]
[…] – Dave Barnes How does so much change over just 4 short months? Remember this little man from his newborn session back in March? Well these days Ethan isn’t that same tiny newborn, but an engaging, […]
Jessie, you did an amazing job, the photos are fantastic.
The pictures and family are beautiful. You can just see the love Heather and Dan have for each other and their new bundle of joy, Ethan. My sweet new grandson, Ethan, is a wonderful addition to our family. Love you, love you, love you
I love the one of the three that is one of Jessie’s favorite, but they are all. Great!
Another beautiful family! xoxoxoxo
These photos of Ethan are amazing. You truly captured this exciting moment in time for their family. As much as I love holding this sweet newborn baby…I am really look forward to seeing the pictures as he grows in this first year <3