“The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world.”
― Ann VoskampThat beautiful young lady is Allison, and the precious toddler (who is far too independent to hold anyone’s hand for this photo!) is her sweet baby sister Mallory :) I got to spend the morning getting to know their family while exploring their neighborhood and some of their favorite spots. We just so happened to fit in some updated family portraits while we were at it :)
Sarah, I hope all of these photos of you with your girl make your heart so happy. I know they will be one of her most prized possessions one day :)
and this is Sparky! he’s the “old man” in their family, according to Allison. She said “he’s even older than ME!” :)
LOVE that image on the left and how Mallory is looking at her big sister!
such beautiful girls!
oh ya know, just going for a little stroll…
Billy was picking Mallory up and spinning her all over the place, and he was determined that Allison wasn’t too big to be spun around either ;)
Allison, you are absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks for letting me tag along for your morning walk! Hope to see you all again soon! :)
These are so precious; I love them!! All of you look wonderful!
Great pictures. These capture the better side of life and a time to be preserved.
These pictures of the Jackson family are wonderful!!! They make my heart soar!!! They make me smile!!!