“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”
― A.A. MilneI saw Lauren and Connor about 4 months ago, and I was so excited when Courtney emailed to set up portraits for Lauren at 8 months! It’s one of my most faaaavorite ages to photograph! We spent the morning exploring Great Country Farms, and even though it was super windy, Lauren was in the best spirits! :)love this next one! Lauren looks like she’s so excited! :)my favorite :) how adorable are these two?!? she was so content to sit and snuggle with her brother :)it was a pretty windy morning, but that just meant that Lauren and Connor were that much more willing to cuddle up :)flowers for baby sister!Lauren wanted to make sure EVERYone knew that THIS was the pumpkin she would like to take home ;) Thanks for a great morning! Can’t wait to see you all again soon! Happy Tuesday! :)
Beautiful family!
Great pictures of the Filer’s! I love Lauren and the pumpkins and the one of Connor and Lauren with the flower!!!!
Connor and Lauren are adorable. Love the picture if them cuddling. Big bortier looking out for his little sister. You also really captured her attention to her big brother in the picture with the flower. Very cool.
These pictures are so good. They really capture the love and playfulness of the Filer family!