“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy very, very much – even more than she loved herself.”
– Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree This handsome little man had the best morning ever playing with a crib full of balloons, reading dozens of books, and having his mama and daddy all to himself :)
look at those precious little teeth! he’s the cutest :)
his crib may or may not have a few little teeth marks permanently etched in it… ;)
Barrett is a pro at climbing steps these days, one of his favorite activities!
and he’s off! :)
how many hours each week do you think they spend chasing this ball (and their boys) down the hall? :)
Barrett just couldn’t decide which book to read… so we read them ALL!
oh my goodness he absolutely loved his birthday hat! it was the cutest thing!
Happy First Birthday, Barrett! :) You can go back and see his 8 month session HERE!