“I held my breath as we do sometimes to stop time when something wonderful has touched us…”
– Mary Oliverback in 2012 I had the privilege to photograph Josie’s newborn portraits, and last week I got to meet her new baby sister, Norah Grace! Josie would absolute LIGHT up anytime we would say “would you like to hold baby Norah??” she was so quick to cover her with kisses or snuggle in as close as she could… seems like Katie and Charlie have a good little helper in their family! :)
something tells me that Katie, Norah, and Paisley they pup spend quite a bit of time in these positions ;)
their family had QUITE a lot happen in the past two weeks! not only did the close on a house, move IN to that house, unpack that house, DELIVER A BABY, but they also somehow managed to paint and get things up on the wall!! How sweet is this little frame in Norah’s room?!
big yawn!!
Josie was finishing up her nap for the first hour or so of their session which was perfect so we could focus on Norah. But gosh as soon as she was awake she completely stole the show :)
such a proud big sister :)
i’ll be honest, i absolutely love the real life “chaos” of these next two images… we were trying to get one of their family with Paisley in it, but as everyone knows once you add dogs to the session it takes it to a whole new level! I love Josie and Katie laughing at Paisley giving Norah a big kiss ;)
and then Josie decided that she should be the one to kiss Norah instead of Paisley :)
who says it requires two hands to hold a baby?!
we had just finished the session when Josie asked to put on her new Elsa dress, and so of course I pulled the camera back out and these ended up being some of my favorite portraits from their session :) the shoes (that are five sizes too big for her), the cape that of course had to twirl, the crown that kept falling down over her eyes… i love it all :)
on the right? those are her “let it gooooo!” arms :)
Happy Monday! :)