“The prayers we weave into the matching of socks, the stirring of oatmeal, the reading of stories, they survive fire.”
― Ann Voskamp
my favorite kind of portrait sessions are the ones where families allow me into their home to photograph them in their space where they spend the most time together, where their kids are most comfortable, and where we can capture images that represent that particular season for them. for these friends of mine, this season involves baby snuggles (and baby drool), blocks that magically become both towers or dinosaur cages, stories, learning to sit (even when you prefer to crawl), and the first (of many) brother wrestling matches. so much has changed even in just six short months since Callan’s newborn portraits! I can’t get enough of these two handsome boys! this kid would rather crawl than sit, but he was showing off his new (wobbly) skills for me! I canNOT handle his little hand up on her cheek! :) how he’s holding onto her finger for support might be my favorite part of this image :)
I also cannot handle how benton looks like he’s about 10 years old in this next photo! man how I adore this boy. Happy Friday!