So I’m sure any of you that have Facebook have been tagged a million times by your friends looking to know 25 random fun facts about you.. so I thought I would tweak some of my original answers and post it here for all of you who I’m not already facebook friends with! I wanted to come up with stuff that I didn’t think anybody else (well, few other people) knew about me.. so in the spirit of getting more personal on my blog, here we go!
1. Growing up I never EVER imagined I would be a photographer. It was always just a fun hobby and the career just sort of fell on my lap (thaaaaank goodness!!) :0) I went through phases where I wanted to be a singer, ice skater (I could actually keep my balance in 2nd grade!), neonatologist, pediatrician, HS choir director, child psychologist, aaand last but not least photographer! Throughout it all I’ve always known the main thing I was created to be was someone’s mom.
2. I never crave chocolate. Like ever. If I crave candy or something sweet its always something fruity.
3. I was a nanny for the same family for the last 4 years and you will probably always see pictures of those amazing kids, Lauren and Sam, covering my website and blog.. i can’t get enough of them and sometimes worry my own kids won’t be as cool as them :P
4. Leading YoungLife at warwick high school taught me more than anything else i’ve experienced so far in life. I learned what i means to be bold in sharing my faith, to love others even when they don’t care for me, to be a part of an incredible team and how to communicate with them, and to really have my faith pushed!
5. I think Friends is the funniest TV show i’ve ever seen and the only one that consistently makes me laugh out loud. I don’t think I could pick a favorite character even if you paid me.
6. I LOVE to travel and everything that comes with it.. packing (yes, even packing), airports, flying, hotels, new places… everything! love it! Anyone planning a destination wedding?!? :P
7. If I could change careers just for ONE day (and one day only) I would want to play the role of either Elphaba or Glinda from the show Wicked on broadway.. seriously the most amazing show i’ve ever seen and those two characters are just incredible! It could only be for one day though, cause i definitely don’t have the pipes to be able to carry it for longer than one day, and I would miss my camera :0)
8. I wear sweatpants and one of two different YL tshirts to bed every night and those tshirts very well may be the softest things I own.. quite often they’re worn inside out, just never backwards…
9. I’m hoping to move into a new apartment in NN by the end of March! I’m moving into my new apartment March 2nd!! WOO!!
10. I am honored to be a YoungLives leader, which is Younglife but specifically for teen moms. We do parenting classes, self esteem classes, and try to show these girls that their Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for their lives and loves them more than they could ever comprehend!
11. My guilty pleasure lately has been the show Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, anyone remember that show?!?! I used to LOVE it when I was younger and it was actually on TV, my mom got me season 1 a few months ago and I have been hooked ever since :0)
12. I keep 5 pictures up where I can see them every day; one of me and my 7 best friends from college taken our sophomore year, two different pictures of my former teammates (one nice one and one that just makes me laugh), one of Sammy, and one drawing that Lauren made of her and I (complete with four fingers per hand and bellybuttons). They’re a reminder of the people I pray for on a daily basis, and the people in my life that are just a joy to love.
13. I absolutely LOVE driving with the windows down. If its above 60 degrees the window are goin down and no, I could care less what happens to my hair!
14. I would rather have a house in the mountains than on a beach, a horse rather than a dog, and a bunch of kids rather than just one. (hey I was an only child for almost 9 years.. its no fun!)
15. I haven’t touched my guitar in MONTHS but have looooved playing the piano every day.. go ahead ask me to play a song from Wicked (ahem.. or HSM3.. ahem) I can actually play them now! (well, kinda.. you have to ask me when I have the sheet music sitting in front of me.. )
16. I have green eyes and have always been self cautious about it.. c’mon no one writes songs about girls with green eyes!
17. I have a very small family; two aunts, to uncles, two cousins, two grandparents. Thats it. Hmm maybe thats why I want a big family..
18. My absolute favorite thing to do during the summer (aside from going to weddings and hanging out with lauren and sammy, of course!) is going to country concerts at Nissan Pavilion. I love the energy, the boots, the music, and driving back late at night after the concert with the windows rolled down and everyone in the parking lot blaring the same radio station playing the artist. That being said, I typically have one of my guy friends go with me.. I’ve had too many people get a little too up close and personal when its just us girls, but they typically keep their distance if I’m with one of my brothers :0)
19. I LOVED being a communications major. Loved my classes, loved my professors, and LOVED what I learned in college! I seriously think everyone should be required to take a couple comm classes at least! You cannot NOT communicate! :0)
20. Despite being around babies my whole life, the first time I ever felt a baby kick was Anela exactly one week before she was born, and I swear it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced.
21. I love happy ending movies, and think sad ones just shouldnt exist!
22. I’ve recently come to LOVE NewSpring church in Anderson SC! The senior pastor Perry Noble is AWESOME and always challenges me big time with how I think about things and how I’m living my life. The sermon topics are great, and I would definitely recommend listening! You can download them for free off of itunes or all their audio/videos are on their website! is the main site and is his blog!
23. Surprisingly I’m better at drums on RockBand than vocals! Go figure :P
24. I ALWAYS tear up at least 3 different times during weddings; a groom seeing his bride walk down the aisle toward him, a daddy giving his daughter away, and the father/daughter dance at the reception. AH i’m such a sucker for daddy/daughter moments!
25. I have absolutely NO idea what God has for me in the next few years and I am so pumped to find out!! I’m learning to take it one day at a time and not be so much of a planner.. well, i’m trying anyway :0)