It really seems like just the other day that Sam, Christine, and I were walking about the Botanical Gardens getting to know each other. I can’t believe their sweet baby boy Jacob just finished his last session in the Baby’s First Year package! It’s so fun for me to get to know not only the parents, but the kids as well and watch their personalities change and develop through the year. We spent Jacob’s one year session watching him explore a playground for the first time.. swings, slides.. he loved it all! I see many more evenings this summer spent at the park for these three :0) Christine and Sam, thank you for inviting me into your family for this past year and your enthusiasm about my work. You son is absolutely precious, and its clear you are already raising him into such a godly little man! Hopefully I’ll get to see you all again soon!
Sam and Christine brought some of Jacob’s favorite things to the session.. this kid got SO excited when he saw they had his drum sticks! Apparently he can keep a beat too! Youngest drummer in the worship band at church? I think so! :0) and some of his favorite books:
it was so fun watching him experience the playground for the first time.. its amazing how quick he caught onto everything!
as much as I love how many super smiley pictures I got of Jacob, this is still a favorite. You can just see the curiosity in his face!
he LOVED the swings! or maybe he just loved his dad making funny faces at him.. either way, he was a happy guy!
i love his crooked little smile and how he looks like he’s sayin praaaaaaaaise Jesus!! :0)
love, love LOVE!
its been a goooood year :0)
He is just a cutie pie! Great shots!
I can not believe how much he has grown .. 1 year flew by too quickly. You captured the true Jacob in these photos .. such a happy boy, what more can I ask for.