Is it a little crazy to anyone else that its the very end of July? This year is absolutely flying by! I feel like I was JUST getting excited for the beginning of my 2010 wedding season, and now I’m already hanging out with all my 2011 couples! Aaron and Shelby are getting married next June and I’m sure t hat will be here before I know it too. crazy how that happens! Aaron proposed to Shelby on this bridge on William and Mary’s campus, so it seemed fitting that we start their engagement pictures there :0) We had an absolutely perfect evening, complete with a little breeze and a break from the insane heat! Can’t wait for next June! :0)
This was the exact spot that he proposed! There’s a legend about this bridge that if you kiss someone on the top of it that you will be together forever :0) Shelby you are GORGEOUS!
The light was pretty intense that time of evening, but they agreed to embrace it and let me play around a little bit :0)
loooove it!
LOVE these next two!
definitely my favorite :0)
but this one comes in as a close second…
Happy Thursday!
Wow fabulous pictures! There are so many good ones it will be hard for you to choose!
Great pics! You guys look great!
Beauiful pictures!!! Enjoyed looking at them.
aaron popp! these pictures are so cute! too bad i’m 101 now…haha oh well. but anyways, ya’ll look really happy! congrats :)