One of the biggest affirmations I get as a photographer is seeing reprint orders come in, because that tell me that you love your images enough to display them in your home! I end up falling in love with your pictures and want them all over MY house, but since there’s way more of you than wall space here, I get excited when I know they’re going up on your walls instead :0) I love seeing what my clients order and what their favorite images are, and I love it even more when I come to your homes for our next session and see what you’ve done with your canvases/prints! I know it can be difficult trying to come up with creative arrangements or figuring out exactly HOW to display your pictures, so I want to start showing off what YOU do with your pictures!
I would love for all of my clients to send me a little snapshot of how you’re displaying your pictures that I can share on the blog, and hopefully inspire others to get their pictures up too! Doesn’t matter what sizes/how many you have up, everyone is going to like something different :0) No need to have a fancy camera, just a snapshot or two would be great! Email me at with your pictures and I can’t wait to start sharing!
I think this is absolutely gorgeous!!