The Choi Family- Northern Virginia Family Photographer

I first met Michele back in 2009 when I photographed Ashley and Scooter’s wedding at the Piedmont Club where Michele is the private events director! She was running around like crazy making sure everything was 100% perfect for Ashley and Scooter so we didn’t have much time to chat then, but we quickly set a date to meet up for lunch and get to know one another, and we’ve been trying to find the best time for me to come out and photograph her family ever since. Well the recent addition of baby Oliver seemed like the perfect time to do pictures, and I’m so glad we waited so we could photograph their complete family! Jack and Lucy are SO sweet with Oliver; always wanting to kiss him and help with him. You can tell Jack and Lucy are best buddies and I’m sure it won’t be long before Oliver is keeping up with the two of them :0) Michele, thanks for inviting me into your home and sharing your family with me! Can’t wait to see you again soon! :0)

Jack made sure his hair was picture perfect before I got there ;0) when Michele and I first started talking about the session I had this vision of Oliver in just his diaper cover, jack in jeans, and  lucy in a bright skirt and long pearls. simple, yet totally cute :0) I love how these turned out of the kids! they seriously could not get enough of him! my favorite :0)
absolutely perfect: then we managed to sneak a few of just mom and dad with Oliver at the end: these two of Michele, Jack, and Oliver are my other favorites from the day. Such an unprompted moment when Jack came over just to check on Oliver and see what he was doing.. I know these two are similar but I  love them both :0) oh don’t mind Lucy, if Jack won’t move over for her to she can sit on the little couch too, she’ll just improvise ;0) you don’t mess around when it comes to Goodnight Moon…
since her brother wouldn’t move over for her, she found a more comfy seat next to her mama: 
Happy Monday! :0)

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  1. elizabeth says:

    These are beautiful! Such love between siblings captured!!! You are so good at what you do!

  2. Ashley Vines says:

    These are adorable, Jessie! What a beautiful family!!

  3. Kim Lerchenfeld says:

    Wow, I adore these pictures! =) You did such an amazing job with them! I love those Choi babies!

  4. Jan Ochs says:

    Absolutely AMAZING photos of a beautiful family! Precious!

  5. Jan Bradford says:

    These are the most precious pictures I have ever seen!

  6. Denise Duke says:

    Jessie, I can see why Michele was so excited about you taking photos of her family. What a beautiful job you did with all of them! They are all precious. Michele will be talking to you about creating a collage for me. You are truly talented! THANK YOU!!!!

  7. Lisa Turner says:

    Oh these pictures are priceless…My favorite is of Jack touching Lucy’s face…

  8. Michele Choi says:

    LOVE these pictures, Jessie!!!!!! Can’t wait to see them ALL!!! You really are amazing!!!!

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