Well first things first.. the blog got a little make over! Its been a LONG time coming, every since I updated my website back in the fall I have needed to sync the site with my blog, and just yesterday received the files to be able to do so! It took a little bit of playing around with to get it to look just right, but I’m so excited about the final result! Also a big thank you to my sweet friend Anna for letting me know that I was in need of new bio pics and taking a few updated shots for me :)
Now I’m so excited to introduce you to baby Ronan! I was able to photograph their family last fall, and I was so excited to get Stacie’s message letting me know that Ronan was finally here and ready for his close up! :) Annalise has changed so much just in the past month.. i mean those little pig tails she’s rocking are just about the cutest things i’ve ever seen! and she was SO excited to love on baby brother for some pictures, I’m pretty sure she would have held him and squeezed him close to her the whole time if we’d let her! She was more than willing to hold him and give him kisses, and even managed to earn herself a few marshmallows in the process ;) Bryan and Stacie, congratulations again! You have the most beautiful family! :)
Love this next series of Annalise holding Ronan:
so sweet!!
I know what you mean Annalise, baby brothers are pretty amazing!
I absolutely could not get over how perfect Ronan’s little cheeks were! Isn’t he such a handsome boy?!
like i said, I think she would have done this the whole time if we’d let her! :) Definitely a favorite from our session:
Love these next couple shots of Stacie with Ronan; she explained she wasn’t able to nurse Annalise and so it was really precious to her that Ronan was such a natural and it came easy this time:
another favorite:
Ronan didn’t want to miss anything and definitely took his sweet time falling asleep for me, but thankfully I’m a patient girl and knew I’d win that one in the end ;) Even if I only got a few minutes of sleepy baby pictures, I still love how these next few came out!
little newborn smiles are my favorite!! :)
ah those cheeks!
Both of Ronan’s grandmothers were in town so we made sure to get a picture of them with their new grandson:
okay so Ronan wins the award for strongest baby toes ever! Either one of his parents were helping him out when it came to this shot, both of their rings were huge on his tiny toes! :)
Happy Wednesday! :)
Absolutely loved all the pictures. Annalise’s love for her brother just jumps out of the pictures. So happy for you all.