Are you loving all these little bitties on the blog recently?! I’ve got another one for you today that will make your day that much better! I can’t believe Jillian is already 8 months! Gosh why does that first year always fly by SO fast?! I know I’ve said it a million times before, but I think 6-9 months is by far my favorite age to photograph! That age where they are SO super smiley, interested in everything around them, and they are sitting up confidently on their own but can’t quite crawl away from me yet ;) Jillian has quickly become one of my favorite little people to photograph, and I always get SO excited about their family session every few months! You can go back and see Matt and Dani’s embrace the belly session, Jillian’s newborn photos, and her last four month photos. Happy viewing, friends!
… and then there are days my clients look at me like this. ;)
Jillian was making all kinds of funny faces for the camera.. most of them involved her sticking her tongue out at me, but this was another favorite ;)
love this two of Dani and Jillian!
Jillian decided during our session she was just going to skip the whole crawling phase of life and move onto bigger and better things like walking… I think I speak for all involved when I say slow down, baby girl:
pretty sure most adults would be completely jealous of Jillian’s gorgeous eyelashes!
my favorite :)
can’t hang out at the farm for too long or they will put a girl to work! ;)
I had sent Dani a little inspiration board for Jillian’s session and she complete took it and ran with it! I had suggest since it was the middle of summer and likely to be VERY hot outside that we use that and incorporate a little pool or some water that Jillian could splash in, and I was SO excited when they showed up with this little tub and that HAT! so cute! i love how this last series turned out :)
love those little splashes of water on her nose :)
pretty baby :)
Can’t believe next time I see you guys she will be ONE! ah so crazy! :) Happy Wednesday!
I couldn’t love them more!!! THANK YOU!
Too cute!!
She is the prettiest baby of all time. Ever. Great work, Jessie! These are amazingly adorable! :)