The dimples. OH those dimples! Get ready for Anderson’s little dimples to melt your heart! Those big blue eyes and that big gummy smile is the sweetest thing you’ve seen! We met up for the next session in Anderson’s ‘baby’s first year’ package last weekend and even though it was the beginning of October it felt like July outside! We had a crazy heat wave here, but the boys did so well despite it being a VERY warm morning out! Anderson was more than willing to dish out lots of those sweet smiles for me, so I was able to document all of his rolley polley baby sweetness at this age :) Can’t wait to see you guys in another 4 months! Happy viewing! :)
Look at those baby blues! a few little tickles worked every time with Jackson :)
be still my heart! his dimples just kill me!
Anderson had JUST discovered his toes right before their session :)
sweet smiles for his mama:
one of my favorites of Anderson, I love his expression! :)
super baby!
LOVE all those little baby rolls! too cute!
Happy Wednesday!