“you’re mad, bonkers, off your head! but i’ll tell you a secret: all the best people are.”
– alice in wonderlandthis was my third time photographing this sweet family, and each session just keeps getting better and better! in the questionnaire Rebecca explained how one of their favorite saturday morning activities was baking together. as soon as i explained my ‘legacy session‘ approach, she jumped on board and said that would be a great way to start their session! i was so thankful! so enjoy some adventures in baking with james and daniel :)
those aprons are awesome, but those smiles are THE. BEST. :)
rock, paper, scissors to see who got to pour the first scoop in…
then we headed out to the backyard to play while the banana bread baked, and charlie was more than happy to join :)
one of my favorite shots of Sean and his boys:
during our game of ‘red light, green light!’, the boys introduced me to “BLUE LIGHT!” which means you have to stop and dance! :)
the boys were telling me how they spent the whole summer camping out in their back yard, complete with fire pit for s’mores and stories!
and then of course we had to sample the banana bread… looks like Daniel can’t figure out whether to give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down!
but it only took the boys about 5 minutes to demolish the first loaf, so i think it’s safe to say that everyone enjoyed it!
that puckered up kissy face just kills me… too cute!
thanks again for having me over for the morning! you can go back and see their first session here, and last years session here! happy tuesday!
These are wonderful! The cooking ones are especially precious.